I have been away for a long time, but the other two bloggers that I follow have inspired me to get back in the saddle. The fact that the two toddlers in my home are sleeping doesn't hurt either. Since my last blog, I have cut my work hours in half, starting next week, and I couldn't be happier! To confirm that I have definitely made the right decision, Quinn has had a low grade fever for the last 3 days and leaving her to go massage people has completely sucked. I feel like I'm committing treason every time I peel her warm little body off me to run out the door.
So much has happened recently, and I am feeling a bit melancholy. Several people that I know have suffered losses, and it just makes me so sad. The most recent was a 5th grader who died in a dirt bike accident. It makes me want to hole up with my family. None of my children will be racing dirt bikes, but no one is exempt from death, or house fires, or freak accidents. So what can I do? I guess LOVE THEM as well as I can.
I can totally identify with Kathy about Bryn graduating and not wanting her little boys to grow up so fast. Lynsi moved to Williamsport this past weekend and I already miss her. She has been on her own before, but not so far away. I know it is not THAT far, but it feels really far...
Christian turned 15 on Monday, and he is growing up so fast. I know we all have special kids, and they are special in their own way, but to me, he really is "special". He is so smart and athletic, and motivated. I really think he could do or be anything. He cares about doing well, and works hard. It makes me wonder if he's really mine:)
In retrospect, I feel gratitude, I am one of the most fortunate people I know. I have made a plethra of mistakes in my late teens and early twenties and some how God has seen fit to really bless me.
who are the two toddlers? Is there something you're not telling me?
Heck (and by heck I mean hell) NO!! Dominick was here that day. Jaime is working at Lockheed Martin, and her babysitter is completely unreliable and selfish, so I had her baby that day and a couple other days. Her bbsitter decided to blow Jaime off to go on a trip with her boyfriend.
I wondered the same thing Teresa did!! I think it must be extremely hard to deal with kids on both ends of the spectrum and in between as well.....you do a great job with all of them! a
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