Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my story

Wow what a beautiful day it is in Bradford County, Pa. I honestly spend a lot of my days thinking about that. I still can't believe I am back here sometimes. Life is never what you think it is going to be.
It seems like yesterday I was moving from here to Virginia. I remember thinking I will probably never live here again. Well, God knows what we need. I have spent a large (as in most) part of my life looking for greener pastures. Sometimes I "needed" to look and a lot of the times I only "thought" I needed to look for those greener pastures.
So here I am choosing to bloom where I am planted. I still consider myself a newlywed as I have been married to my husband for about a year and a half. We have a 5 month old baby who has brought a ton of joy to our house. We are a blended family with a house full of boys who have all become the subjects of our little princess. I also have two grown girls who live on their own.
All in all I have a great life, my husband truly loves me, and is pretty good about demonstrating it, my kids are all healthy and loving and I have the best girlfriends ever. And that is exremely enriching, even intoxicating at times. There is nothing better than being a woman that other women choose as a good and trusted friend. I am also working on a degree, at a turtle's pace.


The Lazy Perfectionist said...

that is a scrubs episode...jk

YAY for you out here in the blogosphere. You think you are addicted now.......just wait until you really get rolling!

Jessica said...

Is this Miss LaRue's (sp?) blog?!?! That's awesome that you've started blogging. Maybe I'll get onboard someday and blog too. I can't wait to read what you have to say. Love ya!

The Lazy Perfectionist said...

okay.....where's the rest? I thought you were putting up a new blog?


the (not so) reluctant housewife said...

I'm with got my attention and then....nothing. I want more ☺

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I often think of you, having two grown children, in addition to your others. Sometimes, I definitely think it is harder to have such a wide range, because you have both ends of the age spectrum to deal with all at once.

I'm so sorry that Leighann (sp??) is going through (hopefully) a rough patch. It seems like a lifetime ago that she was born,and we were hanging out at your apartment, or house--I don't remember which it was--watching night of the living dead on the tiny tv.

I guess the best we can do as parents is teach them the lessons we have learned, and hope that they will take them with them into their lives. And hope that they don't make too many mistakes before they figure out we were right in what we were saying, and hopefully don't get hurt along the way. And pray....a LOT.

I'm definitely sending you, Donnie (or is Don), LeighAnn and the rest of crew up in prayer.

Take care....and write some more.



Perpetual Procrastinator said...

Thanks Kat! The days of watching my tiny tv seem like a totally different life. Who were we?? Wow! Thanks for your prayers and your sweet comment. It is wonderful to be able to peer into your life. It seems like a pretty good one, and you deserve it. I am happy you are truly blessed. I let Donnie look at your pics of your family too. He thinks its neat that we can stay current this way.
I'm with you on that both ends of the spectrum thing. It's hard to keep up. I thought it would get easier as they got older.
I think you're wise to give Bryn some breathing room. He's getting the opportunity to earn your trust. I think you are demonstrating what Christ does for us when we make a mistake. I am living proof of His awesome grace. Thank God He is so good!
I often wonder if I had been a little more permissive with Leighann then if she would make better choices now.
xo Laura

the (not so) reluctant housewife said...

I think in the case of Rob & I that we went overboard with the being the parents that we didn't have that we forgot that we needed to let go of the reins just a little bit.